Armstrong, Crafting a Unique Experience...
Rooted in the vision of Armie and fueled by a close-knit group of friends from diverse professional backgrounds, the Armstrong brand emerged with a singular purpose. This dedicated team of passionate water enthusiasts, engaging in activities such as surfing, kiteboarding, stand-up paddleboarding, wakeboarding, tow surfing, wing foiling, and windsurfing, united to bring to life a top-of-the-line foil setup. The goal was clear: a versatile solution for all the foil sports they cherished.
Experience the Difference with Armstrong...
Our products embody the essence of a true connection, a result of Armie's role not just as a designer but as an avid rider, constantly testing, refining, and seeking that sublime feeling. The Armstrong sensation goes beyond the physical product, offering a connected, smooth, precise, and free-flow experience that transcends words. It leaves you brimming with excitement, emotion, satisfaction, and an insatiable desire for more.
Armie Armstrong: A Waterman's Journey...
Hailing from the shores of New Zealand, Armie boasts a unique pedigree deeply rooted in beach life. With a lifetime spent immersed in water activities like sailing, kayaking, surfing, wind-surfing, kiteboarding, SUP-surfing, and SUP-racing, Armie has excelled in diverse water sports. His passion for H2O has driven him to kayak challenging white waters in New Zealand, foil across the Molokai and Pailolo Channels in Hawaii, and pioneer foil SUP racing at the Gorge Paddle Challenge in 2016. Fueled by this passion, Armie found himself at the drawing board, crafting hydrofoils to meet his unique requirements, and the rest is history.
Design Excellence: Armstrong's Commitment...
An Armstrong design is synonymous with no compromise. Meticulous engineering, impeccable material selection, attention to detail, and precision in manufacturing define each product. The result is a line of products that stands as the pinnacle of quality, durability, and performance throughout its lifespan. Acknowledging the complexity of this design challenge, Armie collaborated with skilled individuals like his father David Armstrong, a seasoned architect, Jim Moore, a legendary foil maker and boat builder, and Rob Whittall, an aerofoil designer with a lifetime of expertise.
In the world of Armstrong, every design is a testament to unwavering commitment and passion for delivering the best in hydrofoil innovation.