Unfortunatley, an all too common site on our coastline. These pictures were all taken by a paddleboarder out walking his dog on a beach in North Wales on the same day.
Anyone coming across sightings of dead or stranded dogfish/sharks might wish to contact Marine Environmental Monitoring, where the deaths can be recorded and investigated especially if the activity looks suspicous:
Find out more about the UKs sharks at the Shark Trust:
Project SIARC is catalysing links between fishers, researchers, communities and government to collaborate and safeguard elasmobranchs and support a green recovery in Wales.
@ProjectSIARC @thesharktrust @Marine.Environmental.Monitoring
If you find a live stranded marine mammal contact the RSPCA immediately:
0300 1234 999
or Welsh Marine Life Rescue (WMLR):
01646 692943
or British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR):
01865 765546
If the animal is dead then contact The Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) on:
The National Strandings Line: 0800 6520333.
If you find a live stranded marine mammal contact the RSPCA immediately:
0300 1234 999
or Welsh Marine Life Rescue (WMLR):
01646 692943
or British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR):
01865 765546
If the animal is dead then contact The Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) on:
The National Strandings Line: 0800 6520333.
#marineenvironmentalmonitoring #thesharkstrust #uksharks #walessharks #northwaleswildlifetrust #northwalesmarinelife #ukwildlife #protectourseas #marineconservationsociety #csip #siarc #cymru #môrsups #môrwatersports